Visiting Vienna is a project of the heart; an excuse to write about the city I’ve lived in since 1994, but also a way to help those in Vienna (or considering visiting) with advice and tips on how to get the most out of their stay.
Hard to say from statistics, but thousands of people now visit the website each day.
I write every article and do so using my local knowledge and research, including visits to (almost) every single sight, event or location: I sometimes miss the occasional exhibition or event (the day only has 24 hours, and coffee and cake can be distracting).
I typically pay for my own entrance and event tickets. But I do make use of occasional press tickets as an accredited journalist (ÖJC #018050), especially for exhibition previews.
You can follow me on Instagram, where I recently started posting impressions of Vienna and other images pulled from my wanderings, mostly captioned from my imagination. The pictures tend to be more offbeat than your typical tourism account, though.
For the record, this is me in 2024:
(More or less the same as in 1994, if you ignore the wrinkles and grey hair)
That “me” is a British-born writer (also of novels) and sometimes external university lecturer. I own the site.
Before contacting me, please note the following to possibly save yourself some time and effort:
- I’m just one guy and not an official representative of tourism in Vienna: these fine people are. Nor am I the organiser of any of the events I cover
- I never publish guest posts, third-party content, sponsored content, and similar. Due to a lack of time, I have to ignore any requests for me to do so
- I don’t wish to buy any Vienna-related domain names and ignore all emails trying to sell them to me
Full formal ownership and legal details (in German) to meet Austria’s regulatory requirements (Informationspflicht lt. ECG und Mediengesetz) can be found by clicking on this link.